RehabWorks' own 'Mr Motivator'

Created by Mat 2 years ago

I was gutted to hear of the passing of Duncan - a fellow ironman athlete and just a really nice down to earth bloke.  When loud laughter could be heard from within the IT Office, you could pretty much be certain that Duncan was involved and one of his very bad jokes had just landed.  Duncan was always up for a fitness challenge and getting everyone involved, although secretly I think it was more to test out any possible competition he had within the office!  The favorite was the plank challenge, where he managed to encourage all and sundry to perform a plank for a specific time each day.  I've never been so speechless as to walk into the IT office and see the entire team all performing a plank!  Duncan was sorely missed when he left Rehabworks and more so now.  My heart felt condolences to Duncan's family.


Mat Fahey

Vita Health Group (formerly RehabWorks)